About me

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

My name is Vansofia Awae. My nickname is Fia. My birth day on Fabuary 11th 1991. I'm twenty years old. I come from Narathiwat Province. I' m studying at Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University. I'm studying faculty of Education English Major.

westlife close your eyes

วันพุธที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Learning reflection on lessons.....

              The frist learned in classroom,I learned and recieved about computer technology to learn from another websits.The teacher gave three exercise for this topics.
1. List computer technology you have used in your study. What are they used for ?
      E-Learninng : makes use of information and communications technology to provide innovative ways to learn.You can learn self-study or home study.
     Youtube : You can also watch just about anything on YouTube. There are some great videos out there on YouTube that are very interesting and entertaining and will never be seen anywhere else.
     E-book: eBooks are ordered online and delivered electronically to your computer.
 2.List your favorite websites. How often do you use them? What can you learn from those websites?
      http://www.youtube.com/  : I used play a computer about every time.I listened conversations or English learning teaching.
3. What computer technology will you use in your classroom ? Why?
       I use a tape in your classroom because I teaching about conversations then students conversation front in classroom.

The next, I learned  three articles .....
    The frist, innovative educational technology in the global classroom.
 Integrating instructional technology into an assignment.
  -Case study portfolios
  -online discussion
  -creating a Wiki

Second,Thinking on the application of multimedia into collage english teching.
     The Current Status of Multimedia Teaching Method in College English Teaching.
      Relationship between the Qualities of the College English Teachers and Multimedia Teaching.
     Misunderstandings and Disadvantages of Multimedia Teaching in College English Teaching

     Some Suggestions on Multimedia Teaching in College English Teaching

       Last, on the problems and strategies of multimedia technology in english teaching.

     - To Cultivate Students’ Interest in Study .
       - To Promote Students’ Communication Capacity.

       -To Widen Students’ Knowledge to Gain an Insightful Understanding to Western Culture.

      -To Improve Teaching Effect .

           - Major Means Replaced by the Assisting One.
         -Loss of Speaking Communication .
          -The Shrinking of Students’ Thinking Potential.

       -Abstract Thinking Replaced by Imaginal Thinking .


      -Multimedia Technology should not be Overused.       -The Beauty of Courseware Is not the Sole Pursuit.

      -The Computer Screen can’t Substitute the Blackboard. 

     -PowerPoint can not Take the Place of Student’s Thinking and Practices.

     -Traditional Teaching Instruments and Devices should not be Overlooked.

...^^^...An article telling why do we have to use blog in ELT...^^^...

What is blog?
      A blog  is a type of  website or part of a website. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs,  Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art blog), photographs (photoblog), videos (video blogging or vlogging), music (MP3 blog), and audio (podcasting). Microblogging  is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.
 Why to Use to Blog?
                    Completely free – This is of course one of the main reasons why I use Blogger to blog! Of course, many other blogging services are free but read what you get with Blogger in following text!
              Advanced Customization – Blogger allows you to customize your blog the way you want to customize it! It’s little bit complicated to customize (compared to other blogging systems), but you can do much more on Blogger definitely with your site design!
             Domain Hosting Support – Blogger is service that allows you to host your own domain name completely for free! Other similar systems usually charge this option – but with blogger you can get it for free!
            Space and Limitations – With Blogger you get completely free 1 GB image hosting and not limited bandwidth! That’s very good and enough for 99% bloggers!
           Scripts, Widgets and Gadgets – Blogger have collection of some good and quality widgets and gadgets that you can use! Including support for scripts and advertisement codes. Allowing you to fully customize and put on your site whatever you need!
         Comments, Moderation, Categories and Archives – Blogger supports comments and comment moderation as long like Categories and Archives – Everything you need to have on your blog!
         Secured – Blogger is free hosting service for blogs owned by mighty Google It’s very secure and trusted service – much more secured than self-hosted systems!
         Collaboration Support – Blogger have very good collaboration feature that allows you to have multiple moderators that can post / edit your blog!

Reference : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog

Exercise : Acronyms

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Directions: Find words or phrases standing for the following acronyms with
short descriptions.

    1. IT  :  Information Teahnology. 
     Reference :   http://jobsearchtech.about.com/od/careersintechnology/p/ITDefinition.htm
    2. ICT :   stands for Information Communications Technology.
     Reference :    http://tutor2u.net/business/ict/intro_what_is_ict.htm
    3. CAI  :   Computer-Aided Instruction.
    4. CALL : Computer Asisted Language Learning.

    5. WBI :    Web Based Instruction

    6. CBI :     Computer Based Training .

    7. CMC :   Computer mediated Communications.

    8. TELL :  Technology Enhanced Language Learning.

    9. MUD :  Multi User Domain. 

   10. MOO: MUD Object Oriented.


Directions: Describe the following terms.

    Synchronous Tools
           Synchronous tools enable real-time communication and collaboration in a "same time-different place" mode. These tools allow people to connect at a single point in time, at the same time. Synchronous tools possess the advantage of being able to engage people instantly and at the same point in time. The primary drawback of synchronous tools is that, by definition, they require same-time participation -different time zones and conflicting schedules can create communication challenges. In addition, they tend to be costly and may require significant bandwidth to be efficient.

   Asynchronous Tools
           Asynchronous tools enable communication and collaboration over a period of time through a "different time-different place" mode. These tools allow people to connect together at each person's own convenience and own schedule. Asynchronous tools are useful for sustaining dialogue and collaboration over a period of time and providing people with resources and information that are instantly accessible, day or night. Asynchronous tools possess the advantage of being able to involve people from multiple time zones. In addition, asynchronous tools are helpful in capturing the history of the interactions of a group, allowing for collective knowledge to be more easily shared and distributed. The primary drawback of asynchronous technologies is that they require some discipline to use when used for ongoing communities of practice (e.g., people typically must take the initiative to "login" to participate) and they may feel "impersonal" to those who prefer higher-touch synchronous technologies


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